Patient Empowerment

Our idea of patient empowerment is enabling the recovery process with right tools.

We are the first company to crack a solution for the complex medication non-adherence prevalent across specializations. The simple solution with the help of technology not only helps patients to comply with prescribed medication but also keep patients in close contact with health care providers on the road to recovery.

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Never Rub
T-Zone Quotient
Medication Adherence
NeverRub ICON

Never Rub

Impulsive Eye Rubbing

Our keen interest to study core behavior of patients at the time of discomfort in eyes resulted in path breaking understanding into the impulsive behavior of eye rubbing. We continue to work with ECPs in enhancing patient awareness about it and recommend alternative suggestions to overcome it.

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T-Zone Quotient

The new health quotient

Prevention is indeed the result of intelligence and we made it possible for every one with the novel T-ZONE Quotient. It is the new health quotient to keep your hand away from eyes, nose and mouth, major portals of entry for bacteria and virus.

How often do you touch your face?

To be fair, everyone touches their face, nearly 23 times an hour. It’s an impulsive human nature that we touch our eyes, nose and facial area all day long as a way of coping with stress, regulating emotions and stimulating memory.  T-Zone which include the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth. Those are the portals of entry for bacteria/virus.  Avoiding the T- Zone is probably the only way to avoid getting a cold, flu or other respiratory illness. Hence AICE out of necessity conceptualized the new health quotient and named it T-Zone Quotient.

T-Zone Quotient is the intelligence/awareness to keep the hands away from T-zone and to achieve it we have developed a structured training module to handhold you in the journey.

Medication Adherence

It is key to speedy recovery and well-being; non-adherence affects the process of recovery and leads to needless complications. We are working with promising health tech startup to solve this complex puzzle.

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